"Pssst ... have you heard about Scion?" That's the buzz Toyota hopes is spreading about its upcoming line of Scion cars geared toward Generation Y. The brand was unveiled at the 2002 New York auto show and will slowly get up to speed over the course of about a year. Why so slow? Toyota needs to let potential buyers find the brand, rather than shove it in their face with TV, radio and print ads.
The 8- to 25-year-old age group--collectively known as Gen Y--has long been a marketing and advertising target. But these kids are a fickle bunch. They don't want to be marketed to. Toyota, hoping to piggyback off the recent music-driven, youth advertising triumphs from Volkswagen and Mitsubishi, wants a crack at this hard-to-crack market.
Breaking All The Rules So it has ditched traditional marketing methods, such as surveys and focus groups, and instead has hit clubs and other places that attract young people. Toyota has held parties, featuring musicians and fashion folks, and has been stationed at art galleries, independent film openings and "rave" parties in California. At each venue, Scion representatives are throwing around the word "Scion," trying to build a slow but steady rapport with the kids.