Sunday, August 30, 2009

McDonald's Launches Healthy Lifestyle Campaign

In the wake of growing numbers of childhood obesity, the McDonald's Corp. has launched a new campaign to promote healthy eating and exercise targeting youngsters.

The "it's what I eat and what I do...i'm lovin' it" campaign includes a fresh approach to advertising with new packaging, TV ads, print ads, educational brochures and a refreshed Web site that includes active lifestyle tips.

"One of the best things we can do is communicate the importance of energy balance in an engaging and simple way," said CEO Jim Skinner, in a statement. "'It's what I eat and what I do...I'm lovin' it' is a great new message within our 'i'm lovin' it' theme, and will tie all our balanced, active lifestyles messages together. We are listening to our customers and committed to taking leadership action where we can make a difference."

The new balanced, active lifestyles campaign is designed to inspire McDonald's customers to improve their overall well being.



The H.J. Heinz Company has come up with a fun idea, and it may be the beginning of a trend. They have started a new Personalized Ketchup Labels service. You can go to a special website and purchase Heinz Ketchup in several size bottles and add your own custom sayings to the labels. They plan to expand this feature for the holidays too. More details are below.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Red Bull's 'anti-brand' Strategy Dominates

Red Bull Energy Drink Takes The World
Some observers say that Red Bull's branding is revolutionary, calling it an 'anti-brand' strategy. The company faced additional problems in Pakistan where there were already many established drinks available.
The firm avoided usual methods of marketing, relying more on what is called 'buzz marketing' or word-of-mouth. A brand image was created and cultivated which associated the drink with youth culture and extreme and adventure-related sports, such as motor sports, mountain biking, snowboarding and dance music parties. In other countries Red Bull's target consumer segment began to adopt nicknames for the product such as 'liquid cocaine' or 'speed in a can', thus spreading its 'left-field' appeal.

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RadioShack's (The Shack) New Marketing Plan

Most people visit their local RadioShack to pick up mundane electronic accessories like batteries and headphone adapters. Would a new brand name and flashy products make the store more of a destination for big-ticket items?

RadioShack is willing to try something new. On Monday, the Fort Worth company announced a marketing campaign that will dub its store “The Shack” in TV, print, and online ads. The branding effort comes on the heels of a deal RadioShack made in July to bring T-Mobile handsets to its stores.

Read full article

Article from: BusinessWeek

Posted by: Douglas MacMillan on August 04

Monday, August 24, 2009


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